Conrod Bolt Set AR144-6001
fits SB Chrysler 318-340-360 Wedge & 318-360 Magnum
Unquestionably The Most Import ant Fasteners In Any Engine Ar e The Connecting Rod Bolts, As They Hold The Key To The Enti re Rotating Assembly. A Broken Bolt Will Lead To A Catastrop hic Engine Failure. As You Can Imagine, The Most Critical Jo int Is Where The Connecting Ro ds Mate. The Rod Bolts Must Su pport The Primary Tension Load s Caused By Each Rotation (or Cycle) Of The Crankshaft. When The Crank Rotates, The Big En d Of The Connecting Rod Essent ially Becomes Oval Shaped And The Rod Bolts Bend. As The Cra nkshaft Continues To Rotate, T he Rod Becomes Round Again. Wi th Alternating Tension Loads A nd Cyclic Bending Of The Bolts , It's Very Important To Insta ll Fasteners That Are Able Exe rt A Clamping Force Greater Th an The Load Imposed On The Joi nt (tension). In An Addition T o Utilizing A Rod Bolt With Su fficient Strength To Withstand The Tremendous Cyclic Strains Placed Upon It, It Is Absolut ely Imperative That The Bolts Be Properly Tightened. The Pre ferred Method Of Monitoring Th e Correct Amount Of Tension Is Through A Stretch Guage. This Is Far More Accurate Than A T ension Wrench Moreover Through Subsequently Checking The Rod Bolts Length At Teardowns, It Is Possible To Determine If I t Has Been Stressed Beyond Saf e Limits And Must Be Replaced.