Main Stud Kit, 2-Bolt Main Hex Nut AR205-5401
fits Holden 253-304-308
There Are Many Important Reaso ns To Use Arp Main Stud Kits, Including The Elimination Of M ain Cap Walk And Fretting, As Well As Protecting The Threads In Your Engine Block. The Stu ds Are Manufactured In Our Own Factory Using The Best Materi als, Processes, Designs And En gineering. Every Arp Main Stud Kit Exceeds The Most Stringen t Aerospace Specifications. Al l Kits Come Complete With Para llel-ground Washers And Aerosp ace Quality Nuts. Some Applica tions Have Provisions For Moun ting Windage Trays And Have Sp ecially Designed Standoff Stud s With Serrated Lock Nuts To P osition The Windage Tray And L ock It Securely In Place. The Studs Are Manufactured From 87 40 Chrome Moly Steel, Heat-tre ated In-house To 200,000 Psi T ensile Strength, And Precision J-form Threads Rolled After H eat-treat To Create A Fastener That Has Threads 1000% Strong er Than Others. Don't Settle F or Anything Less Than The Best . Insist On Genuine Arp Studs. you'll Find The Name Stamped R ight On