Jesel Camshaft Bearings JEBRG-60115
Jesel Camshaft Bearings BRG-60115 JEBRG-60115 Babbit Material,55mm / 2.165" Journal, 1.000" Wide, 2.302" O.D JESEL CAM BEARING 55mm BABBIT From the humble beginnings of the after hours Competition Machine Service, to becoming the leader in the racing valvetrain business has been an incredible journey for owner and Jesel President Dan Jesel. Jesel Valvetrain Innovation was founded on uncompromising quality, innovative design, product durability, value and service to the racer. Jesel Valvetrain Innovation has had many successes, and the full impact of many of its new products has yet to be realized. However successful, Dan rarely looks back and continually pushes forward with new ideas and projects, including his clean-sheet, scratch-build race engine, the Jesel EQUAL EIGHT - the embodiment of Dan's knowledge of pushrod engine design. It is also a running showcase of Jesel's state-of-the-art valvetrain products at work.